Thursday, August 25, 2011

...and now, to Sweden!

I just finished the second half of my Danish exams (the oral exam). Today begins my week and half break before starting my "real" classes and to start it on a high note, I am now off to Sweden with some of my girl friends for a little weekend trip. I will be back in Copenhagen on Saturday. When I return, I'll be sure to post lots of pictures and fill you in on the places I visited. Will blog soon!



  1. Congrats on finishing exams and having a well-deserved break! You are giving me a major travel bug.
    Auntie Barb

  2. Dad statement: Have fun and don't forget to pay attention to your studies! :)

  3. Uncle statement: Have Fun!
    (Uncle Mike)

  4. Auntie Barb- Thank you! I'm having a nice time during this week break.

    Papa- I know. Starting Monday, I'll buckle down.

    Uncle Mike- Thank you!
